Protecting the Snow Leopard in Central Asia

The Vanishing Treasures programme focuses on the Central Asian countries of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic, to better understand the direct impacts of climate change on snow leopards and their prey species, as well as current and possible future vulnerabilities and responses of local communities to climate change.

Data Collection

In the Vanishing Treasures programme areas we use a combination of field surveys and remote sensing to study the current distribution and population of snow leopards, their prey species as well as habitat productivity and human land use patterns.

In addition, we assess the vulnerability of communities to climate change as well as the rate of negative interactions between humans and wildlife.

Field survey in Kyrgyzstan. © Zairbek Kubanychbekov

A snow leopard caught on camera in Tajikistan. © ANCOT@tajwildlife


We combine the collected information with climate models to identify potential vulnerabilities under future climate scenarios as well as climate-driven shifts in habitat quality and productivity. Some of the early results will include habitat suitability maps for the snow leopard and its prey species under different climate scenarios.

Policy Integration

We use the knowledge acquired through the programme to equip government officials and local partners with tools and methods to integrate climate-smart wildlife conservation into landscape planning and management.

National consultation meeting in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.


Implementation of Pilot Solutions

Based on our new knowledge, we will also implement pilot solutions on the ground working hand in hand with local communities, wildlife conservancies and protected area authorities to

  • reduce human-wildlife conflict
  • sustainably manage habitat resources,
  • promote livelihood options that incentivize nature conservation and build climate resilience.


To find out more about our implementing partners on the ground:


Involvement of local communities in Kyrgyzstan. © Tanya Rosen